It was at Table 71 at the World Conference of Evangelists in Amsterdam, sponsored by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association that the seeds for the call2all movement were planted back in 2000.
Ten years later, leaders from across Europe have gathered at three call2all congresses, which although smaller in numbers have been highly significant strategic events.
Congresses in Europe
call2all Western Europe | April 2012
call2all Armenia | April/May 2010
call2all Ukraine | Sept 2009
Call2all Armenia, 2010 was unique in its attendance, drawing solely Armenian leaders, rather than the usual international participation, allowing for a high level of unity and focus on God’s plans for the Armenian nation in reaching the nations. Historically the Armenian church is one of the oldest in the world and has survived many times of persecution, being scattered far and wide, they are now a strategic gateway to many Muslim nations in the Middle East and Central Asia. Many of the remaining UUPG’s are situated within a radius of 1,000 miles of Armenia, the leaders were gripped with the need and the potential for transformation. A nation with a rich heritage of 24/7 prayer, physically prayer walking the enormous map was a highlight for many, engaging hearts with omega zones yet unvisited.
One young lady said afterwards, “This has changed my life. I have heard many sermons and gone to many conferences, but God changed the direction of my life as I prayed on the map.”
Ukraine is another nation that has experienced persecution. The Congress in Kiev in 2009 gathered leaders from 12 surrounding nations. Al Akimoff joined Loren Cunningham on stage and told of the years he had to smuggle Bibles into the old Soviet Union. Many risked imprisonment for the sake of the Gospel. Loren challenged that there needs to be a new surge of Bible distribution throughout Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia.