call2all Congresses • South America

Our bi-lingual congresses held in South America have seen some wonderful levels of participation from leaders and the wider body of Christ all across South America. Our first Congress in Curitiba, Brazil saw ever growing numbers attend each night from the local church, alongside the delegates, hungry to engage with God’s plans for the nations and how we can all make a difference.

Congresses in South America

call2all Mexico | Nov 2013
call2all Paraguay | Nov 2012
call2all Colombia | Nov 2010
call2all Brazil | March 2009

The Colombia Congress in Bogota, Nov 2010 saw the same thing, leaders attending the first day called everyone they knew to attend, to be part of the powerful worship and teaching of cutting edge methodologies for reaching the last, the least and the lost. From short evangelistic films from the Global Short Film Network to business leaders joining the ‘unashamedly ethical’ movement coming out of South Africa, life-changing encounters abounded. Prayer walking on the giant map deeply challenged and inspired many to go where we are not and see the Great commission finished in our lifetimes.

The event reporter writes of this congress: “As the numbers on the commitment forms were added, it became clear that something miraculous was happening. Leaders were stepping out with great leaps of faith, following the direction of the Lord. You could feel a deep presence of the Lord in the room.”

Mexico Congress, Nov 2013. The Mexican leaders were some of the most sincere we have met anywhere in the world.  They love evangelism, and were passionate about seeing the Great Commission fulfilled. Some travelled 12 hours by road, driving through the night to be at the Congress the first day.  They were hungry to learn new truths to make their ministries more effective. One Christian leader was part of the Paraguay Congress the previous year, he came just to tell us how much had happened since that event. He committed in Paraguay to raise up 6,400 evangelistic teams to evangelize at the World Cup in Brazil. At the time this seemed ridiculous, but now this is becoming a reality with God’s miraculous help!


Combined Commitments

by 2020


New Houses of Prayer


UUPGs engaged


New Churches planted

000 000 000

Global Exposures to the Gospel


New Oral Bible Teams

Some feedback from those who attended…

It is a a privilege for me to be part of the Call2All Congress, only when we come together can we complete what Jesus commanded.

Luis Palau

World Evangelist

I will never see Christianity the same way again.

Senior Pastor

Paraguay Congress, Nov 2012

It was clear that a new understanding had come of what global missions looks like.

Event Reporter

call2all Mexico, Nov 2013

The Lord is calling us to unity and this is the strategy of call2All: The body of Christ united through missions, and denominations cooperating together in achieving The Great Commission. It is exciting to be part of this moment; this is your time; our time. We will see each other at the next Congress!”

Pr. Adernailton Carneiro Sampaio

President YWAM Campaigns – South America
Coordinator Call2all Curitiba – Brasil

Mark Sixma