From our inaugural congress in Orlando, Florida back in January 2008, to the far-reaching Kansas City Congress in September 2012, North America has hosted a great number of significant call2all gatherings in the last seven years. Leaders from across the globe have been able to attend, giving these events a truly international scope.
Congresses in North America
call2all Kansas City, MO | Sept 2012
call2all Global Congress, Los Angeles | Nov/Dec 2011
call2all Hawaii | July 2011
call2all Cincinnati, OH | March 2010
call2all Dayton, OH | Jan 2009
call2all Canada | Oct 2008
call2all Orlando | Jan 2008
163 Organizational Presidents, Leaders and CEOs along with some 550 key Christian leaders and experts convened the first Congress in Orlando with the sole aim to strategize and partner for the completion of the Great Commission.
Highlights included cutting edge mapping technology from 4K (David Hamilton) giving a new framework for seeing the world and responding to its needs. Delegates prayer walked the massive 70x50m world map, engaging deeply with the Lord to bring His salvation to every corner of the globe.
Round table strategy sessions and workshops covered key themes from church planting, UUPGs to orality: Avery Willis (Orality Network) and Bill Fudge (former member of the International mission board) shared about exciting stories of explosive church growth movements in some oral cultures like India where laymen are rapidly reproducing churches.
The culmination of this first and every Congress since was the commitment session, where leaders prayerfully committed to concrete Great Commission goals – how many oral bible teams they would train and send, churches planted, people reached, UUPGs adopted and houses of prayer started (see commitment totals below.)
This pattern of plenary sessions from world-class leaders on the key call2all themes, together with round table discussion, application and commitment has engaged thousands of leaders with the Great Commission in a new way.
The Kansas City Congress in September 2012 was notable for its level of unity. This was demonstrated by the many leaders together on the stage, strategy sessions and workshops. Steve Douglass, Loren Cunningham, Luis Bush, George Verwer, Paul Eshleman, Mike Bickle, Lou Engle, John Dawson, Gov. Brownback and many more all operating together in deep unity, but with a wide variety of gifts and callings.
“Amazing, powerful, life changing” were words used by delegates and presenters alike of the Kansas City Congress, 2012.
Among the leaders were elders from the persecuted Church in China who were part of the Back To Jerusalem movement. They have set a goal to release one million new missionaries from China over the next 40 years. Delegates from other nations of the world gathered around them, promising to stand with them and serve in any way that they can.