A Bible in Every Bilum

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a diverse country with over 800 unique languages. More than 300 of those languages still need a Bible translation program started so that people from those communities can have access to God’s life-transforming message.

Recently several PNG church and community leaders along with different mission organizations working in PNG drafted The Bilum Covenant, a commitment to partner in language development and Bible translation. Their ultimate goal is to see a Bible in every bilum.

Bilums are multi-purpose string bags used by nearly everyone in PNG, just as someone in the United States might use a purse, backpack or briefcase. They’re used to carry food, firewood, valuables and even babies.

“Each bilum is a unique work of art, the result of hours of labor. Brightly colored twisted strands are woven together to create designs that symbolize the community in which the bilum was made,” one of the leaders explained.

Read the full story from Wycliffe HERE

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